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Support Coordination

Support Coordination is a service provided by Belonging Care to our participants and their families. With Belonging Care's Support Coordination services, you can entrust the management and optimisation of your NDIS Plan with our team who have a track record of getting the great results for our participants or who can help you manage an existing plan.

The goal of Belonging Care is to make the NDIS Plan as effective as possible for our participants through client advocacy. We can do this through connecting participants with services that are most suited to their interests and requirements. Our support coordinators can offer and link in with meaningful community lifestyle programs with the necessary supports and information to help them reach their goals.

Our team are available to journey with participants and their families through the difficulties of NDIS planning in an easy-to-understand approach. Participants and their families can have a full but not overwhelming comprehension of their Plan thanks to transparency at every level. In keeping with our commitment to recovery orientated planning, Belonging Care cultivates trusted professional relationships with participants to ensure that their NDIS Plan reflects their best interests.

At Belonging Care provide two different levels of Support Coordination under the NDIS

Support Connection

identifies and connects you to a variety of service providers, helps you understand and implement your strategy, answers questions, and helps you manage everything. Support Connection also assists you in becoming more self-assured in your ability to engage with service providers, address support difficulties, and participate independently in the NDIS.

Coordination of Supports

is similar to Support Connection, but places emphasis more on providing ongoing assistance to manage multiple complex supports, addressing issues with service providers and support delivery, managing your plan to meet changing needs, responding to a crisis, and introducing you to tools that can help you manage unexpected events. This also entails continuous monitoring and communication with stakeholders, as well as providing NDIA with outcome-based reporting.